The Devil’s Artisan
‘Though an angel should write, / still ’tis devils must print.’
— Thomas Moore (1779–1852)

Display ads are welcomed. A full page (vertical, no bleeds) is 7.0625" high x 3.625" wide and sells for $100. A half-page (horizontal) is 3.375" high x 3.625" wide and sells for $50.
Display ads are due in the spring on March 25 for publication May 1. In the fall ads are due October 25 for publication December 1. Pdf files normally work well. Space reservation is welcomed anytime.
Contact Tim Inkster.
The Devil's Artisan is typically published in 800 copies, many of which are sold in Canada, though we are pleased to engage loyal subscribers from Scotland, England, Wales, Australia, Israel and seventeen states of the American Union. The magazine is especially proud of its long-standing relations with the National Library of Scotland, the National Library of Wales, the Saint Bride Printing Library (London) and the London College of Printing, the libraries of Cornell University, Columbia University, the State University of Queensland, Australia, the Grolier Club of New York, and the American Antiquarian Society; also the Arts and Letters Club of Toronto, the Library of Massey College, the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library and the Alcuin Society of Vancouver.

The Devil’s Artisan would like to acknowledge the generous financial support of the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council.
‘The DA journal provides with every issue a set of articles providing quality information and insight into the world of the printing arts and those involved, both contemporary and historically. Not to ment ion the nice little freebies they often tuck in, like these dingbats bookmarks!’ — Richard Coxford, bookseller